Alhoewel Elsabé oor die jare tussen die platteland en die stad gewoon het, kon sy nou nes skrop in die rustigheid van die Karoo. Sy het haar deur die jare in verskillende situasies en werke bevind, en presies dit is wat haar bloed sterk laat vloei; elke nuwe geleentheid is opwindend. "She turned her can’ts into can's and her dreams into plans.” Skryf is soos daaglikse asemhaling. Sy sukkel nie om stories op te grawe nie, haal dit selfs uit haar nagmerries!

Elsabé is getroud met Anthonie. Sy was onder andere 'n onderwyser, later dosent aan die destydse Technikon, stigter van Availabed Akkommodasie besprekings en het in verskeie administratiewe poste gedien.

Elsabé se skryfloopbaan het afgeskop in 2014 as 'n deeltydse passie, maar het sedert 2021 'n voltydse genot geword. Sedertdien het sy 8 boeke gepubliseer. Een hiervan was aangewys as naaswenner van ‘n romankompetisie, ’n ander het weggestap met ‘n wonderlike resensie van die bekende jeugskrywer, Maretha Maartens. Twee kortverhale is bekroon as wenner van die Afrikaanse Jeugfantasie en drie kortverhale is opgeneem in kortverhaalbundels.

Welman se fiktiewe karakters word deur haar lesers as realisties bestempel; vanaf haar eerste boek word sy gekomplimenteer deur lesers wat hulself kan identifiseer met ‘n karakter. Meeste van haar karakters stap ‘n groeipad, ongelukkig is daar soms ‘n held wat afsterf of ‘n skurk wat halstarrig verhard. 

Elsabé se werk is bekend vir 'n kombinasie van romanse en spanning in 'n boeiende skryfstyl. Behalwe skryf, hou sy daarvan om te skilder, lyndanse te doen en om te lees.


Although Elsabé over the years gypsied between rural and city living, she now flourishes in the peacefulness of the Karoo. She has experienced different situations and work environments over the years, and exactly that is what makes her blood flow strong; each new opportunity is exciting. "She turned her can’ts into can's and her dreams into plans." Writing is like daily breathing. She doesn't struggle to dig up stories, even retrieves them from her nightmares!

Elsabé is an Afrikaans author and married to Anthonie. She was, among other things, a teacher, later a lecturer at the former Technikon, founder of Availabed Accommodation bookings and has worked in various administrative positions.

Writing started as a part-time passion in 2014, but has changed to a fulltime enjoyment since 2021. Since 2015 she has published 5 novels. One of these was named runner-up in a novel competition, and another received a wonderful review from well-known youth author, Maretha Maartens. Two short stories were named as winners of the Afrikaans Youth Fantasy and three short stories have been included in a collection of short stories.

Welman's fictional characters are described by her readers as realistic; from her first novel she was complimented by readers who could identify themselves with a character. Most of her characters show growth through experience.  Unfortunately, there is sometimes a hero who dies or a villain who stubbornly hardens.

Elsabé's work is known for a combination of romance and suspense in an engaging writing style. Besides writing, she likes to paint and of course to read.


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